Ducklings Swimming Lessons

Our Ducklings swimming lessons are suitable for children aged 2-5 years. Age range is for guidance only.

The Duckling Awards are ideal for those children who have completed the Discovery Duckling Awards and are now more independent and capable of following instructions.

This stage encourages swimmers to move more independently. A parent or guardian takes part in these sessions with their child. 

These sessions have a maximum of 6 children per class to enhance their learning and provide a calm environment.

two young boys in a swimming pool laughing with arm bands

Duckling 1

1. Make a supervised safe entry with adult support if required

2. Float on back with adult support behind the head without aids

3. Blow bubbles at the water surface

4. Wet the head without submersion

5. Kick five metres on back with adult support

6. Travel without assistance five metres to a floating object

7. Enter the pool, rotate and return to the side with adult support

8. Exit the water safely with minimal adult support

Duckling 2

1. Make sitting entry with adult support if required

2. Using a buoyancy aid, rotate through 180 degrees without assistance

3. Submerge the face with confidence under adult supervision and without force

4. Blow an object for a distance of two metres

5. Travel three metres using arms and/or legs without assistance

6. Move five metres along the rail or wall without assistance

7. Enter the pool, rotate and return to the side with minimal adult support

8. Exit the water safely with minimal adult support

Duckling 3

1. Make a supervised jump to an adult with or without support

2. Float on front or back without adult support

3. Show a streamlined shape on front or back when push off from a supporting adult

4. Blow bubbles with mouth and nose underwater

5. Travel five metres on front to the side of the pool without assistance

6. Kick five metres on the front holding a float

7. Enter the pool, rotate and return to the side without adult support

8. Climb out of the water with assistance if required

Duckling 4

1. Jump in unaided but supervised into the water

2. Show a mushroom or star float

3. Rotate 360 degrees either horizontally or vertically

4. Push and glide achieving a streamlined position on the front or back

5. Submerge completely

6. Travel without assistance 10 metres on the front or back

7. Show the sequence to jump in the water, turn around, swim back to the point of entry and hold on to the side or rail

8. Climb out of the water with assistance if required

Ready to sign up? Contact the Wave Swim School team.